Friday, July 12, 2013

Improv Woes

As an improviser I've noticed something.  Im wondering if Im the only improviser out there who has this issue or if its wide spread?  Here's the issue:  At one point my close friends and family would come to my shows often.  But now that I perform regularly and have for nearly 6 years, my audience tends to be complete strangers (which is exciting!) I welcome meeting new people at shows and its very exciting, however Improv shows are never the same, so Im curious if there's anyone out there who does improv and has found out the trick to have the same people back over and over again?  I often get the comment "We've seen your show!"  But we are not doing a play, so its not like once you see it once, thats it!  Every show is unique and has a different theme, different actors, different improv games, different suggestions, different audience members/participants, and I could go on and on!

Now I perform two regular shows a month so I don't expect my friends/family to come to every show, just sometimes.  I just wonder if they think that same thing "Oh yeah, been there, done that!"

Any thoughts?  Suggestions?  Rude remarks?  Questions?

Just trying to start up a conversation for improvisers

BTW  Here's my improv group: